Friday, September 12, 2014

Our baby's milestone

Though I'm keeping a notes of my JyellaBear's monthly Milestones, I might as well share it with you here incase I lost my copy.

0 month old
- I don’t know if smiling can be considered as milestone, but she were just few days old when we saw her first smile, though we know that this is just a random smile, for Daddy & Mommy this is of course a big thing.
- Kicking is her favorite past time.
- Starting to lift her head.

1 month old
- She already have a good sense of sight, she's now responding by smiling when she see someone, usually in the morning when you greet her good morning.
- She stared to have interest in watching.
- When taking her a photo or a video, She's curiously looking on the camera.
- She also have a good sense of hearing at 1 month, she turns towards familiar voices or sounds. That's why whenever Daddy came home from work and she were already sleeping, I won't allow him to talk loudly because the moment she hear his voice she will open your eyes and I need to put her on sleep again.
- She can lift her head forward while holding her hands and gently pulling forward.

2 months old
- She can hold her head up for a short period of time.
- She is imitating us when we are sticking out our tongue.
- She randomly talking or rather shouting words like ooh's and ahh's...
- She is attracted on colourful things, such as toys or pictures. Especially color yellow.

3 months old
- She's now able to hold her head steadily.
- When she saw someone eating, she also move her lips as if she were eating too.
- She's now trying to roll from back to front though she always end up crying because she cannot do it yet.
- She now know her name, she turns her head towards someone calling her name.
- She attentively watchs TV.
- She smiles more frequently.
- We started practice tummy time, though she usually cry when I started putting her on her tummy.
- She now know how to put her fingers on her mouth and start licking them. And now prefer her fingers more than her pacifier.
- The sound of a motorcycle engine will stop her from crying.

4 months old
- The first time we hear the sweetest sound we ever heard. Her laughter.
- She now learn how to grab things.
- She's now learning to hold her feeding bottle by herself.
- Aside from licking her finger, she also loves to lick her toes.
- She's now able to roll from front to back.
- She smiles back whenever we smile at her.
- She can now sit down with full support
- She wakes up Mommy & Daddy in the morning by babbling random words.
- She will put anything she can grab on her mouth.
- She reach for food when she see someone is eating.
- She's now interacts in playing.
- She can stand for a short time with full support.

5 months old
- She can now sits down with a minimal support.
- She's now able to roll from front to back and back to front.
- She can drink on a regular glass.
- She loves pouting her lips.
- She can now stand longer with full support.

6 months old
- She's now able to roll back & forth faster
- She started eating solid foods.
- She's now standing with a minimal support and started to take a few steps.
- Her first teeth are starting to show up.
- She reach out when she wanted to be carried.
- She's now reacts on a program she's watching. She laughs, giggles, shouts, dance, clap her hands, and stomps her feet.

7 months old
- She's now able to walk with walker or by holding her hands.
- She knows some tricks like "clap your hands" and "close, open".
- She now have 2 teeth on her lower front gum.
- She can sit down without support.
- She's now standing on her own while grabbing onto something.
- She's now on "nangingilala" stage. Most of the times she only want either me or her lola to carry her. But when she's in hergood mood she will allow her daddy and her lolo to carry her.

8 month old
- She can now crawl, though it’s a scoot type of crawling.
- She can now recognize names of people and pets as well.
- She love dogs and cats, when she see them on streets she will look at them and say "whooo" as if she were calling them. One time while we were outside the house and she's eatingbiscuit, she accidentally drop the biscuit and a cat ate it. So I give her another piece, but when she saw that the cat were about to leave because she already finished eating the biscuit that has dropped, she happily throw another biscuit to the ground for the cat to eat it again,
- She's learning to pull herrself up to stand though she's still a little wobbly and still needs a little push from Mommy or Daddy.
- She can now understand some commands like "opps thats bad or stop it" and "come on, let’s go".
- Says mamamama & dadada randomly.
- Learns another trick, the "give me high five or apir"

9 months
- She can now do tricks such as clapping, align, apir/high five, close-open.
- She's pointing towards things she want.
- She now master the pincer grasp.
- Already allowed to eat/taste almost any food except egg which her pedia prohibited until she reach 1 year old.
- She can now crawl on fours.
- Loves french fries a lot but since it's not good for her we have to control her fries intake.
- She also love the apple medley/apple banana/apple mango sauce snack that I bought for her, before 1 sachet can last her for 2 days, now 1 sachet a day is not enough for her.
- Walking while someone assist her.
- Can climb up the stairs.
- She love books more than her toys, whenever I put her in her play area where her toys and books are scattered, She will always grab a book first.
- She love TV commercials especialy those who has kids as commercial model.
- She always dance whenever she hears music, even the sound of the piano in church and her musical rhymes in her toys can make her rock her body.
 - She loves Mommy so much, whenever she see me I always got a big smile from her. And when I'm home on weekends/holiday she won't let go of me, if I pass her on her Lolo & Lola even on her Daddy she will start crying.
- She likes cats and dogs. She gets stunned with cats “meows” and she “talks” to dogs. Whenever she see dogs she usually says "bawo" while reaching her hands towards the dog as if she's saying "come here".
- She call me "Mamamama" and her Daddy "Ade".
- She call her Lola "Uwa" and Lolo "Owo"
- She love to stay outside.
- She intentionally dropped whatever object/toy she were holding.
- Always shout “AH!” loudly.
- She always pull herself up to sitting position the moment she wakes up.
- She can stand and sits down while holding/grabbing unto something.
- She can walk holding on to railings/furniture, shifting one hand from the other.
- She can associate words with action: Say frog (our ref magnet) and she looks at the frog, same for dog, cat, lizard (usually at the ceiling) and fish.
- She just had her first carousel experience (thanks to momsie & papsie).

10 months
- She really love the stairs, when I put her down on the floor, she will quickly crawl towards the stairs and will climb up. The crazy thing is, she's not using her knees to climb up, instead she's setting her foot on the steps of the stairs.
- We call her little "daldalita" because she's now so noisy, She  keep on babbling words we cannot understand.
- I think she is now on an emotional stage called "separation anxiety", She's now gettting upset and cry whenever I leave home for work, or when I put her down on her crib and will leave the room.
- Can do tricks such as "show your tongue", "flying kiss", "wave goodbye", "dance".
- She now have 3 teeth on her upper gums, and another 3 on lower gums.
- She now know how to bite foods.
- She know how to swipe her forefinger in playing candy crush while Daddy is holding her hand to help her in which candies she need to switch.
- She can walk alone while pushing a plastic chair (our improvised push along walker).
- She love water so much, she enjoys playing with water more than playing with your toys.
- 3 days before she turned 11 months, she can already stand on her own for 10 seconds maximum without holding on anything.
- The next day, she was able to do atleast 1-2 steps before falling down.
My dear baby every month you never fail to amaze us with every Milestone you achieved, always remember that Daddy & Mommy is always here in every step of your life! But please don't grow up too fast Mommy still enjoying everything on you.


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