Tuesday, November 11, 2014

11 & 12 months milestone

11 months
- Can take more than 2 steps, but still woobly.
- Can give a hug.
- Can do tricks such as "peek-a-boo".
- Can point some body parts such as nose, eyes, ears, tongue
- Imitates what people do.
- She can now entertain herself a little longer than before by playing or flipping books by her own.
- Can now sleep by herself.

12 months (1 year)
- Can now balance herself & walk longer
- Knows the use of comb & spoon.
- Can give both hug & kiss (depends on her mood)
- Able to perform some action songs such as "read your bible" & "sit down, sit down".
- Can tidy up her toys/things.
- Can ask her to pass/get something for you.
- Able to put cap on her head.
- Start trying to feed herself with spoon.
- Knows how to tug you to place she want to go.
- Knows what she wants and gesture or point to show you.
- Able to hold out her arms for sleeve or her foot for a shoe when dressing.
- Know how to spit out the water when brushing her teeth. (No one actually teach her, I guess she just saw it everytime I brush my teeth.)
- She knows when Mommy or Daddy is mad at her because of her being "makulit", she will cry at first and will hug you as if she's saying sorry to you.
- Can say some words such as, "yes", "no", "wait", "orange".
- She can say the letters "A", "C", "E", "S". She's not responding on other letters whenever I ask her to say it.

My little girl is such a smart baby, she always surprise us with new things She's now able to do. I know how excited She is in exploring everything around her, and we're also excited as well.
