Showing posts with label letter activities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label letter activities. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

DIY: Movable Flat Marble Alphabets

Most of the Montessori Teaching tools I am checking online were a little expensive. And If you know me so well, this frugal Mamma won't spend much on those expensive items, I will always find a much cheaper alternative or rather make my own.

I am wanting to buy the Melissa and Doug movable letters since I saw them on the bookstore last month but the price of it was way way out of my budget. We have a set of these magnetic ones that I bought from the toy store for around 100php but the set only consist of 1 piece per letter, meaning I have to buy a few more set because some activities that I have in mind would require around 2-3 pieces of some of the letters. For example; a spelling activity of Lady Bug's name, her 2 names will be needing 3 letter L, If I'm going to buy 2 or 3 more set of these letters that would cost me 300php.

So I have been searching for a cheap alternative and that would only mean DIY. I am so happy when I found a site that has a step by step instruction for a DIY Movable Flat Marble Alphabets. I'm sure that those flat marbles were so cheap and can be bought on the local flower shops.

You wouldn't believe how much I spent on this project. The print-out for the disk letters which I layout on Photoshop and the flat marbles are the only items I paid for that is intended for this project, and it only cost me 60php for the 2 packs of flat marbles that contains around 60pcs each pack and 5php for the print out. Glue and paint brush were items from previous projects. I was able to make 4 pcs (1 capital and 3 small letters) of each of the letters of the alphabet for less than 100php.

So following the instruction from this site, we now have our own DIY Movable Flat Marble Alphabets that we can use on our next activities.

Here's my Little Lady Bug having her name spelling activity using our movable letters.

That's it for now, if you want to have a copy of my movable disk letters you may download from this link, and fit it on an A4 size paper. Thanks for stopping by!